Tag Archive for: Annual General Meeting

Canning Agricultural, Horticultural & Recreational Society Inc 2021 Annual General Meeting


The AGM is an opportunity for members to meet with the Committee and share their feedback on the year that’s been, and thoughts on how the Society should proceed in the future.

An organisation such as ours relies upon its membership for support and guidance in relation to the delivery of the Canning Show and other events and activities throughout the year. Certainly we couldn’t have had such a successful year, against all odds, without our incredible members.


TIME: 7.30pm sharp start (doors open 7pm)

WHERE: Exhibition Hall, Cannington Exhibition Centre & Showgrounds


Your AGM attendance can assist our organisation in having a greater positive impact on the community. Refreshments will be served.

If you have items of general business you wish the meeting to consider, please email the details ASAP and no later than the day before the meeting.

RSVPS: We appreciate emailing enquiries@cahrs.com.au if you plan to attend, or if you can’t attend then please email the same address to record an apology and your continued interest in the Society.

Look forward to seeing all members there – old and new!

PLEASE NOTE: Financials are available here.